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Carbon offsetting target beaten three times over

When the Ochresoft team launched the carbon offsetting challenge at the start of the year, the aim was to offset 68.4 tonnes of CO2, which equates to the planting around 60 trees per month, depending upon the species chosen.

We are delighted to confirm that as of the first week of October, we have planted more than 1,100 trees across the globe, which equates to more than 225 tonnes of CO2 being captured – more than three times the original goal.

The combination of tree species – which includes Douglas Fir, Beech, Alder, Indian Cedar, Mangrove, Red Silk Cotton Tree, Acacia and Pine – has reforested a total area of 0.65 hectares of land.

Managing Director, Rob Gurney: “It’s really rewarding to know that our team has been able to reforest an area that equates to around 1.6 acres.  The trees are planted in a variety of biodiversity projects and therefore we have helped support projects in Madagascar, Tanzania, Nepal, India to Brazil, the USA and here in the UK.

At this rate, we are on target to offset as much as four times the amount of carbon we originally set-out to do, which makes me very proud.  It’s great to be making a difference to so many reforesting projects across the world.”

The programme is being completed in partnership with Tree Nation. For anyone wishing to plant a tree in the ‘Forest of Ochresoft’, click here – all donations are gratefully received.

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