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‘Forest of Ochresoft’ beats carbon offsetting target four times over

‘Forest of Ochresoft’ beats carbon offsetting target four times over

At the start of the 2021, the Ochresoft team made a pledge to offset the carbon emissions produced by the business, in a bid to become carbon neutral.

A biodiversity initiative was launched to plant as many trees as possible during the year, completed in partnership with Tree Nation, which is part of a wider program dedicated to reforesting the world.

Having calculated that the average office worker produces 3.6 tonnes of CO2 per year, Ochresoft worked out that the business generates around 68.4 tonnes of CO2 per year – therefore, the aim was to offset this, which equates to the planting around 60 trees per month, depending upon the species chosen.

Ochresoft are delighted to confirm that as of the third week of December, they have planted more than 1,419 trees in a range of biodiversity projects across the globe, which equates to more than 274 tonnes of CO2 being captured – four times the original goal.

In twelve months, the donated trees have been planted in Madagascar, Nepal, Kenya, Tanzania, Peru, France, Brazil, Guinea, USA, India and the UK!  The combination of tree species – which includes Beech, Alder, Indian Cedar, Red Silk Cotton Tree, Acacia and Pine – has reforested a total area of 0.97 hectares of land.

Ochresoft’s Managing Director, Rob Gurney, said: “To have exceeded our offsetting target halfway through the year, and to be four times over at Christmas, makes me extremely proud. It is so important for everyone to consider the impact we have on the environment – both locally and globally – and we are all pleased to be playing our part and making a small difference to the planet. We shall be continuing our carbon offsetting journey into 2022.”

The programme is being completed in partnership with Tree Nation. For anyone wishing to plant a tree in the ‘Forest of Ochresoft’, click here – all donations are gratefully received.


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