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Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation charity, Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 takes place during the week beginning Monday 15th May, and the theme for this year is ‘Anxiety’. 

Many things can lead to feelings of anxiety, including work pressures, relationships, finances, and big life events. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems we can face. 

Focusing on anxiety for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week will increase people’s awareness and understanding, and help to normalise conversations around mental health. 

We want to encourage our hard-working colleagues, customers and business partners to take a break and spend some time reflecting. 

How can I get involved, and what resources are available? 

  • During Mental Health Awareness Week, use the hashtag #ToHelpMyAnxiety to share experiences of anxiety and find helpful tools. You can also search for the hashtag #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek to see what other people are doing. 
  • Run a ‘Wear It Green’ Day in the workplace to raise money to help the Mental Health Foundation fight for good mental health for all.  
  • Consider ‘Talking therapies’ – it could help to talk to a trained professional about your thoughts and feelings. What does your HR offer in terms of Wellness and support? 
  • There are things we can do to manage feelings of anxiety and stop them becoming overwhelming.  For example, breathing exercises, physical activity, speaking to a trusted friend, or keeping a diary.
  • Look after yourself – monitor your diet, exercise, and sleep patterns. Spend time outside, and/or with animals. A work-life balance is important! 
  • Use official Mental Health Foundation resources in your family, workplace, and community to join with thousands of people who will be finding new ways to connect with Mental Health Awareness Week. 

For more information on Mental Health Awareness Week, please click here.  


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